Ladies Section

Lady Captain - Ruth Jackson
Lady Vice Captain - Pam Wadsworth
Past Lady Captain- Lizzie Haigh

Secretary - Monica Coupe
Treasurer - Rita Crabtree
Handicaps and Competitions - Dianne Ingham, Lizzie Haigh, Ruth Jackson
Committee Members: Val Simmons, Sue Rawlinson, Wendy Scott, Sybil Longbottom, Barbara Jones.

We are delighted that Ruth has agreed to stay on as Lady Captain for a second year and hopefully this year she will be able to host the usual prize givings and arrange the social events that were absent in 2020.

Pam Wandsworth has accepted Ruth’s invitation to be Lady Vice Captain and all the Ladies Committee agreed to stay on for another year to support Ruth and Pam. Despite the difficulties of 2020 we have over 30 lady players in our thriving section and we are looking forward to golf and competitions starting again. We have a busy year planned of Majors, Medals, Stablefords and a 9 hole league.

We play most of our golf on a Thursday however we also offer alternative dates on a Saturday for many comps. Ladies are encouraged to join in with the club roll ups and most Fridays there is a 9 hole social golf events.

We have a friendly and welcoming section and the ladies membership fees at Ryburn GC offer exceptional value for money. We run our own committee and fundraising events which enabled us to renovate our locker room recently and more updates are planned.

If you would like to join Ryburn Golf Club please email or send a message through the Ryburn Golf Club Facebook page and one of the ladies will be in touch to answer any questions or show you around and arrange a few holes if you already play.

Although we don’t have a resident pro we do have links with a pro at another club so can help you organise lessons.

Terms of Competition and Ladies Comps

All ladies should read this document before playing as it gives important information about how to enter comps, how to avoid being disqualified and also lists the Competitions that Ryburn Ladies may play in.